Comments for My Hogwarts Letter

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Character disagreement (don't be offended!)
by: Sinder

The only people on your least favorite characters list I don't have a problem with is Wormtail and Percy. Also, Dumbledore and Ginny I can somewhat understand. When you find out why Dumbledore was so secretive in the end of DH, it is kind of awful and you do have reasons to dislike him.

Is there any other reason you don't like him? Also, Ginny ended up such a big part in Harry's life even though she was a character that said only about two words throughout the books and movies.

Excellent post Lisa!
by: Trevor M.

Hey Lisa!

What a fantastic post. You're obviously a HUGE Potter fan :))

I liked the part where you said you were sitting on the window sill waiting for your letter. I still remember being very sad when I was told Santa wasn't real - and I'm still angry! :)) Just joking but we all want to believe in magic.

The children I teach at school are only about 6 and 7 and it's amazing the stories they come out with about what they believe. I dare not spoil their imagination because it's so precious and it means a lot to them as I'm sure it did to you sitting on that window sill.

Anyway, thanks for your great contribution and I hope you come back again as the site continues to "grow" and we can keep sharing this Potter magic.

Kind regards,
Trevor M.

P.S. I thought that Dumbledore was exactly what Harry needed to become the person he needed to become to defeat Voldemort but that's the great thing about being different isn't it! :))

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